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Can Home Security Camera Systems Deter Car Thieves?

No one wants to walk out of their door in the morning to find an empty spot in their driveway where their car used to be. The invasion of privacy can be terrible, but ultimately not as bad as trying to get to work without a car. It leads to police reports, dealing with insurance companies, and travel headaches while you scramble to find a new vehicle. Unfortunately, 42% of stolen cars are never recovered.

Car theft is a problem in Nashville. In fact, 2,800 cars were stolen throughout 2019. This disturbing trend covers the entirety of metro Nashville. Of course, there are areas that are seeing higher rates of stolen vehicles, but this is a problem that affects every neighborhood. 

So how do you protect yourself? Can home security camera systems help the fight against Nashville car thieves? 

The Power of Surveillance

The first thing a criminal will do when approaching the scene of a possible crime is assess the area. They are going to be looking for risk factors that could lead to not only someone catching them in the act, but that could also lead to them being identified in the future.

Your best bet at combating thieves is to stop them at this stage in the process. But how do you do that?

Home security camera systems check both of the boxes for possible risk factors for car thieves—it catches them in the act while also providing the ability to identify them. There are a couple things you can do to really hammer this point home and give yourself the best chance at thieves continuing past your house without more than a pause. 

Put up signs alerting criminals to the existence of your cameras. Chances are, they are going to be coming around at night. It might be difficult for them to see your cameras—especially if they’re purposely hidden—which negates any ability to deter them in the first place. 

NCA Alarms provides placards that can be placed around your Nashville property to let them know they are being watched. The suggestion of a home security camera system will give people with nefarious intentions a reason to keep moving down the road.

Home security camera systems can protect your Nashville home when you’re sleeping or away. Contact NCA Alarms to find the perfect system for you.

Turn on the Lights 

Much like cockroaches, car thieves scatter when the lights are turned on. As we said earlier, car thieves want to diminish their chances of being caught in the act, and being identified later on. They know that the cover of darkness is a great asset, so simply turning on a light takes this advantage away from them.

There are two ways you can go about doing this. First, you can park your car in an area that has a pre-existing light. And then, simply flick it on when it gets dark outside. Leaving the light on all night doubles its effectiveness by not only taking away the criminal’s preferred darkness, but also making it seem like you are awake and just inside the door. A personal confrontation is definitely not what car thieves are looking for. 

Your second option is to install a motion-sensing light. These lights can be found for as little as $30 and are a great surprise for anyone walking onto your property that isn’t supposed to be there. The initial blast of light will not only give them a reason to walk away from your car, it will startle them and cause them to run.

But even if lights aren’t enough to keep car thieves on their best behavior, they give your home security camera system their best chance at recording high-quality images. Criminals aren’t always smart. Deterrents, no matter how steadfast you are, don’t always work. And this is where home security camera systems really come into play. 

Take Your Keys With You 

The majority of cars stolen in Nashville had their keys left inside of them. This is a disturbing trend that continues despite the statistics. This effectively invites criminals to your property instead of deterring them like we discussed above. 

Many people will start up their car on a chilly day to warm up the engine as well as the interior of the car. While this is a good practice for the health of your vehicle, you want to be sure to lock your car with a spare set of keys when doing this. No matter the time of day, type of car, or proximity to your house—always lock your car. It doesn’t take more than a moment for someone to jump in and put the car in drive. 

Call NCA Alarms for Home Security Camera Systems in Nashville 

NCA Alarms offers Arlo Pro Wire-Free HD Camera Security Systems to keep watch over your home and property. These sleek cameras are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. 

Contact NCA Alarms today to find the home security camera system setup that best suits your needs.