NCA Alarms Nashville

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Maintenance Tips for Your Home Security System

Home security systems are designed to protect you, your family, and your assets. If they aren't working correctly and your home is burglarized, local authorities won't be notified. Security systems require regular maintenance checks to ensure all devices are working correctly and transmitting signals to each other. To get the most out of your home security system, follow these steps to keep your system on track.

Test the Control Panel

The control panel is the brains behind your home security system. It captures and translates the data sent from accessory devices around the home. When working correctly, the signals that it interprets are passed along to your alarm system company. Control panels often come with a "test" mode where it can run self-diagnostics. The purpose, of course, is to ensure it's working correctly. If you are working with an alarm company like NCA, be sure to notify them that you are completing this task. It will scan for failed signals or disconnects between the devices found around your home. To do so, it must temporarily emit stress signals that something is wrong. Not alerting your alarm company in advance will result in a police call. While you're testing the control panel, look for any loose wiring or signs of physical damage that could impede it from doing its job in the future.

Check the Perimeter

Your alarm system is insurance against crime should anyone find their way into your house. Securing the perimeter helps break-ins from being successful. Every week you should walk around your home to inspect the locks on the doors and windows. You'll also be looking for evidence of tampering. If someone tried to break into your home, there would be signs of attempted forced entry like scratches on the locks or knicks/dents in the frame of either your windows or doors. This could be a sign that you need to make upgrades to your alarm system and implement either a security camera or glass break detector. These devices alone are enough to deter crime from happening in the first place. While making your rounds, check that there isn't rotting or warping of the door and window structure from natural wear and tear. This could also make it easier for someone to break in.

Inspect Your Cameras

All cameras included in your security package need to be checked on a regular basis. While some of these steps can happen once a week, you'll want to check your cameras on a daily basis. These devices are designed to capture crime in action by being an extra pair of eyes on the exterior of your home. If there is dust or debris on the lens of the camera, it won't be able to get a clear image. Examine the power source to ensure there is an appropriate connection, and nothing has been vandalized. Your recording devices and monitors will also need verification that they are working efficiently.

Examine Exterior Lights

Technology has advanced so much over the last few years for home security. Many outdoor and indoor cameras are capable of capturing clear images in both extreme brightness and darkness. When it comes to the safety of your home and family, you don't want to leave anything to chance. Working lights outside your home not only confirm someone is home but provides surveillance equipment with enough light to do their job. Regularly inspect the lightbulbs and change any that might have gone out.

Get a Professional Inspection

Doing your due diligence prevents significant issues cropping up with your home security system. Annual inspections from your provider will prevent malfunctions happening on a deeper level. A professional technician performs thorough checks of all your security systems and components, as well as, the wiring, power supplies, and software updates. They can also check that there is a clear signal being delivered to the alarm company's offices. Without it, there wouldn't be an option of contacting the authorities when you need them most.

For more information on how to keep your home security system maintained, contact NCA Alarms.