Common Reasons to Incorporate a Residential Security System

Gone are the days when small-town America could leave its doors unlocked. Contrary to popular belief, there are metropolitan areas that experience fewer home burglaries and break-ins than some rural areas and states. Less than two years ago, the state of Tennessee followed close behind the top 10 states with the most home burglaries.

If you are ready to take your overall home security to the next level, here are some common and compelling reasons to incorporate a residential security system into your home’s defenses:

  • Decrease the Possibility of A Break-In

  • Monitor Who Is Coming and Going

  • Enjoy Environmental Protection

  • Save on Homeowners Insurance Premiums

  • Invest in Your Peace of Mind

Learn more about NCA’s residential security system services.

Decrease the Possibility of A Break-In

One of the main reasons you may be considering a home security system is to decrease the possibility of a break-in, and rightfully so! In fact, homes without a security system are actually 300% more likely to be burglarized than those with some form of security. Two obvious deterrents include a home security yard sign and outdoor cameras.

Indicators that you have an armed security system are worth it because burglars are passersby who notice an opportunity to break-in to your home. It is a bit unnerving, but a few statistics show this:

  • Burglars often scope out a home for less than 24 hours before deciding if it is an easy target.

  • Most break-ins occur during the workday (rather than at night or early morning hours), specifically between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

  • 34% of burglars entered a home not through a window but through an unlocked front door; 100% of burglars even admitted they knocked on the door first!

Monitor Who Is Coming and Going

Regardless of whether you consider your home’s traffic situation quiet or busy, a residential security system is a great way to keep tabs on who is coming and going, for a number of reasons:

  • Do you prefer to know when your cleaning service arrives and leaves?

  • Does your fur baby use the doggy door to go outside?

  • Would you like to know when your children arrive home from school?

  • Did the babysitter show up on-time?

A home security system allows you to know your family’s routines and if something might be amiss, including if there are any unwanted visitors. Unfortunately, over half of the burglaries reported in 2020 were committed by a family member, acquaintance, or significant other of the victim.

Enjoy Environmental Protection

Residential security systems are also a smart choice from a safety perspective. While they protect you and your family from the potential threat of a break-in, they also offer protection from environmental threats such as smoke from a fire, a carbon monoxide leak, flood waters, and more.

With today’s technology, a security system heightens your awareness of your surroundings – including what you can’t sense. Especially when you are asleep, or even awake, you may be unaware of flood water leaking into your entryway or carbon monoxide entering your lungs. While these security benefits often require the right technology equipped with these sensors, they are worth the additional investment costs.

Save on Homeowners Insurance Premiums

Is your first thought about homeowners insurance that it covers your belongings in the event of a flood, fire, or other natural disaster? Well, it also happens to cover break-ins!* If any property is stolen or if windows or doors are broken during the burglary, the dwelling portion of homeowners insurance will reimburse you for the loss.

It’s worth knowing that installing a residential security system can reduce your homeowner’s insurance by anywhere from 5 to 20%. Think of it as a reward from your insurance provider. You don’t want your home burglarized, and they would prefer that you don’t have to file a claim!

*Contact your homeowner’s insurance provider to confirm this is the case with your policy.

Invest in Your Peace of Mind

One immediate return on investment when you purchase or fully equip your home security system? Peace of mind! And that is priceless.

Choose NCA to build and install your home’s new alarm system, or allow us to convert your current system to help you save money while improving your security protection and monitoring.

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